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Unreal's Weird Collisions

After the AI was finalized, I started testing the levels over and over to make sure everything looked proper. After hours of testing we found one problem. The cars would block the other cars when they were dead. When the cars died, the cars did two things: 1. They would properly explode and fly into the air. They would fall back down and then disappear after some time. 2. They would die and their collider would merge into the ground and they would flop over like a fish. To fix this problem we went into the physics component of the car's skeleton and we adjusted the colliders. It turns out that the complex collider for the car would glitch somehow and make the car merge into the ground below. We replaced this complex collider with 4 spheres (one for each tire) and a box (for the hull of the car). To allow for roll overs I also included a cylinder collider ontop of the box collider. There was one last problem though. If the cars landed on the road the other cars would still be affected by them. This was an easy solution. I already had a bool stating whether the car was dead or not. So I just had a check in the tasks to see if they were dead. If the other car was dead then we wouldn't need to brake for them or steer around them. Thus the car would pile drive through the other vehicle. To help with the car being pushed we lower its mass and weight so it was easier to move.

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